Friday, January 11

Who was behind me?

Went in the the Dr. office again yesterday for our quad-screen genentic testing. I had to see the nurses first to get weighed and do paperwork before going to the lab to get blood drawn. I paid extra attention to the nurse weighing me (as I didn't last baby appt), and there MUST have been someone sneak up behind me and touch the scales! :) I mean I know I have to put on weight, but I really wasn't expecting to have put on that much. I'm up 13 pounds at 15 weeks, which is up 8lbs from 5 weeks ago. Maybe the nurse put her foot on there as well? I'll have to keep a closer look at her next time. Speaking from past experience, the baby weight came off with no problem after giving birth, but no one really wants to be HUGE at the end of pregnancy. What's done is done and I can only try to eat healthier I suppose. Maybe I'll start that next week....after I get all the corndogs ate that I just bought!! :)

Now, back to the whole purpose of the appt. I had the quad-screen genetic test (checks for downs syndrome, open neural tube defects, and other chromosome abnormalities). We chose to have it, not because we anticipate anything wrong (then again, who really does?), but just to know. It won't change anything if something genetically is wrong--we will still love this baby and it'll be perfect to us and how God meant for him/her to be. We'll just know ahead of time incase extra medical care is needed at time of birth. It'll help me prepare mentally for what life holds for us. I think it'll take over a week to get the results back. Maybe we won't get them until our next Dr. appt--WHICH is the ultrasound in a little under 2.5 weeks.


Karen B'Hymer said...

Ah, man! I hate that guy! He tends to sneak up on me when I am on the scale too. :-)

You look fabulous!