Wednesday, November 28

Sorry Ladies - I already got him!!

Have I mentioned lately how wonderful my baby's daddy is! :) I've experienced several cases of morning/late morning/afternoon evening nausea and Matthew has been wonderfully supportive. There's been several evenings and weekends where I just needed to lay down and rest and Matthew is always right there to fix dinner or clean up or take over my turn at giving Ryane her baths. I am so grateful to have such a wonderful husband who takes care of me and the house and the first kid without complaining at all. I feel guilty I can't help more at times, but know I have to take care of this little one in me right now. So, sorry ladies, I got Mr. Right! :)

Wednesday, November 21

Bumpidity Bump Bump

Here's our first picture at almost 10 weeks. So much for getting a beginning picture. :) Now, keep in mind that belly is not all baby. :) My baby is 1.06 - 1.38 inches with ½ the length being attributed to the head. He/She weighs between 3 - 4 grams (or less then ½ ounce), or 4 paper clips. The baby’s body systems, such as circulatory, nervous, reproductive and digestive, are fully formed during this time. The heart is beating away and the baby has started to "breathe".

Friday, November 16

Eating, eating, eating

Eating is how I seem to spend most of my days. With Ryane, I was always saying and thinking, "Being pregnant doesn't mean you have to eat twice as much, just twice as good." Well, I can't seem to stop eating twice as much this go round. A lot of time I feel nauseous so eating seems to help, and other times I'm just HUNGRY!! I'll just say that I haven't even stepped on the scales at home because I know how much is going in the mouth that I don't even want to know the results. Plus, I think I already look 12-15 weeks pregnant, so why stop now. Can you tell I have a lot of excuses in my head why I'm eating so much?! I know it's not good for me, but I can't put down the fork.

On the brighter side, my little bean is growing, growing, growing. He/she has formed hands and feet and you can start to see face structure and ears. The bean's back is starting to straighten out and the tail is getting smaller. I've read that he/she is about the side of a raspberry these days. Getting SO big!!

Tuesday, November 13

Love the Internet

There are SO many great pregnancy websites out there these days. Science still amazes me how they know exactly what is developing and can tell you what your baby looks like and everything. Here is one of my favorite websites as it shows awesome pictures each week of what my little bundle of joy looks like. He/she still looks alienish, but helps me connect more the more I know about him/her.

Monday, November 12

I'm Definitely Pregnant

I think it was just a week ago that I was talking about how I wished I had more symptoms. The tests said I was pregnant, but I really didn't feel pregnant. Well, I got what I wished for, plus! The 8-week mark hit on Thurs., Nov. 8th and I'm definitely pregnant. I went from feeling normal to feeling overly exhausted to the point I could beat Ryane to sleep. Morning/afternoon/evening sickness has come to visit---ohhh goody! This weekend I had a pretty good dose of it. My sister gave me some preggie pop drops that I've tried out. I'm still unsure if I'm an endorser of them or not. I'll try about anything. I just have to remind myself that I wanted to feel pregnant and I know all this sickness is because my body is working hard on this little miracle developing inside me.

It really seems early, but I'm starting to get a little bulge at the waistline. I think it's my body started to do the fat storage b/c I know it's not the baby yet! Maybe it has something to do with the pregnancies being close together?? Either way, I'm excited to get a baby belly again! Guess it's time to start the picture taking journey again as well. I love going back to look at pictures of how I grew with Ryane.

I finally made my first Dr. appt., which will be December 6th with Dr. Waite. I'll be 12 weeks along and we can't wait to hear the beautiful heartbeat then.