I think everyone needs maternity pictures! So, at 31weeks I took a few self-portrait belly pictures today using a remote control and timer on my camera. I still want to get some family pictures with Matthew and big sister Ryane. I'm just unsure if we can get Ryane to cooperate, but it won't stop me from trying! Hopefully we'll get those taken soon and of course I'll share them as well. Here are a few all-big-belly pictures today (sorry if you didn't want to see my belly). It was interesting being on the other side of the camera and guessing how the picture was going to look. Odd to be posing a body part rather than a whole person.
I also took one of these with his first name, but since it is a secret until he's born, this is what you get to see for now.
Tuesday, April 29
Self Portraits
Posted by Howe Family 2 comments
Wednesday, April 23
Dr. Appt - 30wk 2dy
I went to my scheduled Dr. appointment today. It started off great as it was raining, raining, raining outside and I think I had to park about a mile away. :) Dr. appointment was very quick. Got weighed to find out I put on another 3 pounds - check! Dr. checked baby's heartbeat - 160bpm as he was kicking away - check! Dr. also measured my fundal height, 31cm - check! Done. So, I did measure a week ahead of my estimated due date, but I actually found satisfacation in this as I've been thinking I feel further ahead, so it wasn't all in my head (this time!).
I also discussed with Dr. Sohl the fact that I've already gained as much weight as I did the whole pregnancy with Ryane (25lbs). She said I shouldn't be concerned as I'm track to probably gaining 35lbs total and I didn't have a problem getting the weight off last time. I can live with 35lbs as I think that is manageable post-partum. I just really don't want the extra weight to equate to much of a bigger baby. Wish me luck--let's keep him close to the 8lb mark! I go back to see the doctor in 2 more weeks.
Here's the latest growth comparison - I'm getting out there! :)
Posted by Howe Family 1 comments
Friday, April 18
Temporary Removal?
Let's temporarily remove a couple ribs on each side to give this baby more room!Wonder why it hasn't been suggested before? He's in there constantly pushing on them and bouncing off the ribs, so removing a couple should give him more space and cause less bruising for me. I've also started to notice more shortness of breathe lately, so it should give my lungs more room to expand as well, right?!
We are almost 7 months along, so I can see the end of pregnancy out there somewhere. He's around 3lbs now and 17inches tall. I can't wait for his arrival and to be able to share him with everyone else. I'm ready for Ryane to have a little brother. We (just Ryane and I because Matthew doesn't approve) practice saying his name every once in awhile. She's getting closer, but I'm not concerned with anyone getting it out of her or being able to understand her when she says it as they don't know what she's saying.
Posted by Howe Family 0 comments
Thursday, April 10
2 Snips, 2 Snails, 2 Puppy Dog Tails...
That's what 2 Little Boys are made of!!! No, I don't have 2 boys in my tummy (although, that would explain all those arms and legs I feel in there!) I'm so proud to announce that I will be getting another little nephew! My sister and brother-in-law found out last week that they are expecting a little boy. They have 2 girls already, so this is a very exciting change of pace for them. Not only am I excited for them, but I'm excited for my little boy to be getting a little boy cousin 2 months younger than him to grow up with. Should we start buying matching outfits now for pictures????
Congrats Hammans on the boy on the way!
Posted by Howe Family 1 comments
Friday, April 4
just sharing
Just sharing my latest scrapbook page I put together tonight. This page was kinda planned in reverse. I wanted to include our 3 ultrasounds and I knew how I wanted to do it, so then I had Matthew take the picture tonight to go with it. Usually, I'll have the pictures first, then decide on the page layout. We've been taking bare belly comparison pictures all along, but this is the first that I'm sharing. Maybe I'll share the others when I am further along. Just not a big fan of sharing my own bare belly pics, but I love to take them for others! :)
Posted by Howe Family 0 comments
Thursday, April 3
Monthly Dr. Appt.
27wk 2dy
We went back to see Dr. Waite for a regularly scheduled monthly prenatal appointment. Overall, it was pretty standard and uneventful appt. Dr. Waite measured my belly for the first time and said I was measuring right on. Then, we (Matthew, Ryane, Dr., and I) got to hear his heartbeat--well, at the times his kicks weren't covering it up. His heartbeat was 144-153bpm. Seems like it's been pretty consistent for some time now.
We are scheduled to go back in 3 weeks for our next appt., then will start going every 2 weeks after that. Having more frequent appts. reminds me how much closer we are getting!
Posted by Howe Family 0 comments