As a family, we went to the Dr. today for our 5 month prenatal appt. First, we saw the sonogram tech. for our follow-up sonogram as the baby's heart was developed enough to take a good look at. Everything on the sonogram looked perfect! Things that looked perfect were - 4 chambered heart, facial structure/no cleft pallete, brain/cerebullum, 2 arms/hands, 2 legs/feet, all bone measurements. He - yes, it's still a boy! - is measuring 22 weeks 5 days along, weighs 1 pound 3oz, and had a heartbeat of 143bpm. He is a healthy growing baby. He was very active in there. A couple times the tech. had to chase him around to get the needed measurements or just waited some of his big movements out. For the most part, he had his hands up beside his face or under his chin and the legs were just kicking. We got to see his hands open and close and see him scratch his head. There was one time that Ryane was getting restless and let out a whine and he definitely reacted to his sister's voice - pretty cute. The sonogram tech was very generous in giving us photos, which I loved. I picked out my five favorites to scrap a page with. Couple other items the sonogram mentioned is she compared his nose to Ryane's as they look the same and she asked if Ryane was a really active baby as well. Yep, she sure was inside and out!
Onto the doctor's appt. First, I had to get weighed and ummm, it was a bit much, but the nurse or doctor didn't say anything, so I wasn't going to either! I will say that I am now above my pre-pregnancy weight from Ryane. Since today's sonogram was giving us a different due date than we've had before, we discussed estimated due date with Dr. Waite again. She officially changed/finalized it to be June 30th now, which matches up with our very first sonogram back in December. By the sonogram today, he measured June 27th, so we'll see when he decides to join us. Overall our visit with the Dr. was short as the Dr. was sick and didn't want to touch me and give me her sickness--fine by me! We had a few questions that she answered and we'll go back next month for our next appt.
I cheated on this digi-scrap page as I scanned in maternity paper that I had left from Ryane's scrapbook and created the rest on my own.
Wednesday, February 27
Follow-up Sonogram & Monthly Dr. Appt.
Posted by Howe Family 1 comments
Wednesday, February 20
Bubbling Belly
When it rains, it pours! :) Yesterday I was setting at work and knew this little guy was kicking/punching pretty hard, so I began watching my belly. Sure enough, he was pretty aggressive in there and my belly looked like it was bubbling as he kept pushing against the sides. Yes, I said sideS. He could get both sides bubbling out at once. For awhile now, I’ve thought he is laying sideways in there as all the movement has been on the sides and many times at the same time. Guess he’s getting pretty long in there and is running out of stretching room. Yesterday was a pretty active day in there and I spent lots of time at work just staring at my baby belly watching him. He doesn’t just work 8-5 either as he was moving around more last night and Matthew got to see my belly bubbling too. Oh, it would be the life to just set around all day and watch my baby move around in there!
Posted by Howe Family 0 comments
Monday, February 11
Lots more movement
19.5 weeks
I've felt this little boy move around quite a bit more. I definitely feel him 1-2 different times a day wiggling around in there. This weekend, he was full of movements. I think it started off on Friday that he was really moving, so I had Matthew put his hand on him to try to feel. Big Sister Ryane did NOT like Daddy's hand on mommy's tummy. Funny to me, but I wonder why not? Does she think Baby Brother (mommy's bare tummy) only belongs to her as we play a lot telling her it's baby brother? Does she know in a way the baby was getting all the attention at that time? Anyhow, Matthew had to stop trying to feel him as his little girl wasn't having it. Then, Sunday night, I told Matthew he "might" be able to feel him as he was really moving. I told him it was more like full body moves or rolling, but not kicking. Well, sure enough, Matthew says "I think I may have felt something". Sure enough, he told me exactly where on his hand he felt it and I agreed. Oh, what a special time in our lives that will never be repeated - Matthew feeling Baby ********* for the first time.
Posted by Howe Family 1 comments
Wednesday, February 6
What could be better?
What could be better than being pregnant at the same time as your sister? Nothing! 8-) This past weekend, my sister shared her exciting news of expecting her 3rd child. I’m so happy for her and her husband and their two girls! I am just so excited to go through this pregnancy process with my sister. We get to share and compare stories, worries, and excitements! She is due at the end of August, so our little ones will only be a couple months apart. How fun for them to grow up together so close in age. OH – I can’t wait to take pictures of them together!! :~)
Posted by Howe Family 0 comments
Monday, February 4
Growing, growing
Well, I had to readjust the dating on my previous pictures to align with my new due date. Kinda depressing that I had that big of a bump that early, but I am accepting it....slowly!
Posted by Howe Family 1 comments